Goodbye Naked Lady, Or, I Make The Books Go Boom, Papi

What I learned about physics: sometimes, when you rearrange a whole lot of books and don't pay attention to putting the heavier ones on the top, this happens in your bedroom**:




My dad's personalized Army beer stein from when he was stationed in Germany, complete with his Battalion and Unit motto and insignia, that I left sitting on top of the bookcase, and which hit the wall when it fell. My dad left it to me when he died and throwing it out is not an option, so I called a pottery shop and got a recommendation for a glue called Bond 527 that I HIGHLY recommend if you are gluing glass or ceramic; it's thin and sets very fast. A friend is going to solder*** the little man back onto the lid for me.

I've been piecing it back together and I'm finally down to the bottom part, which used to have the silhouette of a naked lady blown into the glass and when you held the stein up to the light, you could see the naked lady. I got such a kick out of that as a kid. Naughty! But, I'm at a loss for getting the naked lady back together again!

*The post title refers to this song.

**Luckily this happened in the daytime; the adrenaline shock might have killed me if I'd been asleep when it collapsed!

***I swear I learned that word pronounced as 'sauter' but tells me the word I want is 'solder.' You win this round, dictionary. PS my friend tells me the 'l' is silent; I never knew! Guess I need to talk and write more about welding.


Busy Bee Suz said…
I would have had a heart attack....what were you doing at the time??? OMG.
Sorry about the crash and really sorry about the stein. What a sweet thing to have and the naked lady part is fascinating to me!
p.s I thought it was sauter too!!!
Rebecca Foster said…
Phew, I am in good company! I was shocked I never knew 'solder' was the word.

Luckily I was not home, I would have jumped through the roof! My downstairs neighbor was gone, too, thank goodness.

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