Trip to the UK, Ireland, Berlin and Prague

My first trip to all of these places! My dates are set! Which I will not be announcing here so no one robs me! But now the fun begins: researching maps and train schedules and planning things so I can throw them out the window and do whatever once I actually get there. I'll be flying to London and out of Prague, with planes and trains between. I'll meet up with family in Berlin a week in.

I was almost born in Germany and my parents' elderly German neighbor knitted this very cute little baby outfit for me because it was February and I needed a newborn-sized sweater and hat. Is it cute or what? My parents saved it for me; I need to shadow box it or something.

Only packing my Osprey 46 travel backpack. It will be my longest trip yet with it, hope it works out. I'm really looking forward to this trip!


mjfoster77 said…
I am jealous, but way excited for you!!
Busy Bee Suz said…
Oh, this will be an adventure for you!
I have friends who thought that Prague was the most fascinating place on earth. My Mom is in Ireland right now, her first trip out of the country ever!
Happy planning!
Rebecca Foster said…
I'm sorry you can't come. I'll send lots of pics!

BBS, how neat for your mom! Isn't it great we can do new things at any age? I am so glad to hear that because I was a little on the fence about Prague, but the more I look into it I am really glad I decided to end there. Thanks!

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