When You Feel Really Crappy...

...dwell on good things, not crappy things. I feel really crappy these days! But it helps to consciously observe my life isn't 100% crappy. I had a conversation with a friend about things we like, even if maybe we shouldn't, such as:

My pale pink (fake) jade (glass) bracelet from China squeezes the hell out of my hand, to the extent I can't get it off without lube. Chinese girls be having tiny hands, yo! I whacked it against something today and it cracked and chipped but didn't break, and I was worried the jagged chip would cut me if I tried to squeeze it off. So this was my solution:
Me: "Ok, weird question, but do you have pliers or something I can use to pry this bracelet apart?" [explanation about glass, smallness, lube, cutting.]
Him: "Why are you wearing a bracelet that's too small for you?" Ummm because it's pink and cute and matches my outfit perfectly, of course. Duh. I explain this. He thinks this is a dumb reason. (He might be right.)
Him: "So what you're saying is you need me to break that bracelet off your wrist?" 
Me: "Well I don't need you to do it I just need a tool or something I can do it" but while I'm talking he reaches out, grabs the bracelet and pulls reaaaalllly hard for a few seconds and it just snaps in half in his hands.
Him: "Done." Hands me the broken pieces. 

Um, you just broke apart glass with your bare hands for me? I might be a shallow cave girl, but yeah, that was hot. I called him manly to his face, and in front of others. I don't know if he cared, but it seemed the right thing to do. (About 2 seconds later, I sliced my thumb on the edge of one of the pieces. I don't deserve to be a fully functioning adult sometimes.) 

Anyway, life isn't all disappointing and crappy. I had a talk with T. about the crappiness and he gave me really good advice and loving kindness and he is just the best. Definitely an uncrappy part of my life. I've always been so lucky in the friend department. 

A few other things I like, even if I shouldn't: 
  • Candles (So unsafe! But so good at ambience!)
  • Being called 'Kitten' 
  • Being told what to do by a certain type of man at certain times 
  • This song
  • Salsa that makes your eyes water
  • Winks
  • My Little Red Riding Hood Halloween costume for this year. It's super cute, y'all. Life has to be really uncrappy by then so I can fully enjoy it. I think it will be. 


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