Gypsy Girl

I think I have as much fun planning a trip as I do actually being ON the trip. I have a box full of maps and train schedules and thanks to online airfare schedulers, I can happily spend hours going over options for flying in here, traveling here, seeing this, doing that, packing this, which shoes should I take?, and which of my backpacks/travel cases/shoulder bags would be best suited for that little adventure? I love the process of finding the perfect travel bag, the perfect shoes, the best tiny accessories for being able to cram 5 days worth of living into my smallest space possible. It's like a puzzle, and you never know which piece is going to complete the picture or jump the cliff.

When planning a trip, the potential for what you can make happen is thrilling to me. I could go anywhere! Pack anything! Any one of a number of things could go wrong! What if were stranded in the train station overnight, what would I do? What if my bag were stolen (or being held hostage by Customs *cough Ottawa*), what could I subsist on that could be carried with me on for miles on foot? What if I got lost and didn't speak the language?

I'm a worst case scenario, best case adventure traveler. But give me a satchel and a camera, a map and the perfect pair of shoes, I'm thrilled to be on the ride.


I love your perspective on that aspect of traveling. I'm in the process of planning a trip to Las Vegas, NV for my birthday and now that you mention it - it is pretty fun looking at all the neat stuff that I have to look forward to when I get there.
(I randomly came across your blog)

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