
This post is about something Hibidy loves but might not remember so I am posting it for her.

Hibidy and I have few musical overlaps: country, Spanish pop music, and classical are about it. (Our first friend date was at the San Antonio symphony and then the Taco Cabana on Broadway afterward. But I think I went out to a club after that with Kim. I'm sort of a friend date player. Taco Cabana on Broadway is also where I went with J. after seeing his band play and I was wearing leather pants and the cute but lower-cut-than-I-realized white shirt and I wouldn't hug him because he was all sweaty from performing.)

So one day Hibidy and I are driving someplace together and not talking, not because we were irritated with each other but because we spent a lot of time together relatively speaking so sometimes we don't talk in the car. And a country song comes on about a guy chewing out another guy for cheating but also hey, thanks for being a jerk because now I'm dating your girlfriend and Hibidy breaks the car silence by saying, "I like songs where a man gets mad at another man for not being nice." And in country music, there really is a genre of songs that falls into this category but I never would have been astute enough to identify it as such so succinctly. And I don't know if I even said anything in return, but it still cracks me up and whenever I hear such songs, I always think of Hibidy.

I love Hibidy!


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