Things I Love About Men

I have a subscription to Esquire magazine and each month they ask one women to share "10 Things You Don't Know About Women." These are some I liked.

1. We love the back of your neck, the shape of your head, and watching you shave.

Ooooh this reminds me of two things:

A. A guy in one of my 7:30 AM classes who had really beautiful tan skin, dark hair and green eyes. I was very attracted to him. His neck was amazing. I would sit behind him and didn't know his name for a long time, so my friend and I called him "Neck Boy." He got me to that class on time, though. I used to sit and fantasize about his neck. (Hey, it was a 7:30 AM class, anything that got me there was a good thing. And he actually asked me out. I think he could sense the drooling vibe coming from the seat behind him.)

B. Watching a guy shave is hot. Maybe because we don't do it? It's a bit of a mystery. Even if you're kinda ugly, you look hot shaving.

One more thing: I like it when I want to give a man a head massage. I guess we do love the shape of your head. And I get to touch your neck, too. So call me selfish, it just feels really good. But you have to have a touchable head and neck for me to offer.

2. How sexy you look unbathed at a campsite first thing in the morning is as important as how sexy you look in a tux.

Cologne is for boys. Real men smell vaguely of deodorant (Old Spice, please), skin and sweat. Confession: a guy gave me one of his t-shirts and didn't wash it first so it smelled just like the spicy, soapy, sweet scent of him and I put it on and inhaled deeply and it almost made me cry, I missed him so much. I think he knew that would happen, the sucker, that's why he didn't wash it first before he gave it to me. (Really, that’s kind of gross. But in this case he pulled it off.) I finally did wash it, but it’s still a “comfort” t-shirt. Men reading this: never underestimate the power of giving a woman a t-shirt that smells like you. I’d rather get that than jewelry or flowers ANY DAY.

However, I would substitute 'Hugo Boss suit' for 'tux.' You're not a waiter, right?

3. Laughter and listening: These are the two bridges.


4. You are not the only ones who wish we would stop rambling on about our problems and just make out.

I know how to let a man know I want him to kiss me, I just don’t often get the chance. More often I get the swoopers, they just go for it, and I'm not always prepared. I want the slow burn, where you just know he wants to, and you give him the signal, and…yeah. Like that. It seems often either the slow burn or the opportunity to give the signal eludes me. We are so fast fast fast, everything has to happen now now now. Sometimes I talk too much out of nervousness. But sometimes, I don’t want to talk at all. Just lie still together. Or, as this woman said, just make out. Can’t we shut up and slow down, just a bit, and enjoy the slow burn moments? Please?

5. We love it when you pick us up at the airport.

I think it’s that moment of anticipation of knowing someone is happy to see you. And realizing you're happy to see them.

6. Let us catch you looking at us.

If we like you, it makes us want to throw ourselves at you. Even if we look away shyly,we know what we are thinking.

7. Soft and slow is always the way to go.

Ummm…yeah. Well, maybe not always, but enough.

8. We are all about our necks. Feel free to spend as much time there as you wish.

What is it with women and necks? I don’t know. Sometimes it’s embarrassing how easy women are to please. When it happens, we don’t forget. D.M., Thanksgiving weekend, 3:00 AM, 100 mph down the barren Nevada desert highway, more stars than I have ever seen in my life, the hand he’s not using to drive is playing with my hair, a stray thumb lightly caressing the side of my neck while I doze in and out beside him. We just don’t forget.

9. That thing you do when you hold your arm out so we can go in a door ahead of you—that's good.

I think I like this because it’s less formal than having the door properly opened for you, but still good manners. I like a guy who, without having to think about it, is polite and respectful and this gesture bespeaks that almost perfectly. He’s not making a show out of doing it, it’s just the way he is. Very charming.

10. Please don't be thrown by the fact we have careers and homes and are independent women; we still need you very much for your love, for your humor, for the way you look at things differently, and for your loving arms around us.



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