I admire the Buddhist ethos that not being attached to things allows you to live free. I try to live by this ideal. I am definitely a minimalist. The bedroom and backyard in the picture to the left are pretty much my ideal living space. It drives me crazy to go into people's homes that are just crammed with furniture.

But books? Books are where my good intentions fall apart. Walking into a library or an old-school bookstore (read: not Borders) is like walking into a church for me. One of my faves: Sam Weller's. The basement is aisles and aisles of niche, obscure and used books and I'd move in if they'd let me.

I kept my books in boxes for several months when I first moved back to spend time with my dad. I felt like a huge part of my life was missing. It was a relief when I could finally unpack them all and have access to them again.
I'd make a terrible Buddhist in this regard.
(The bookcase on the far right doesn't match because my grandfather made it by hand and my dad passed it down to me. It's solid wood. And that's my new red couch, for those that have heard about it but not seen it yet.)
By the way, I LOVE red couches! You have awesome style.