Too Funky

Y'all know I love fashion as an artistic expression. Couture is dying, but there used to be some really fun stuff out there. Like the stuff on this video.

But the best part? The women themselves. They look amazing in these clothes, and they're not 10lbs away from being walking skeletons like lots of the models we see today. (Such as the pic of the girl in my last post.) The girls in this video are also older than current models it seems, and they *are* thin, but most of them also have great curves. I know body type goes in and out of fashion, but I still think these girls look gorgeous. I'd much rather work toward having legs and a behind like these girls than the chickie below.

And of course, LOVE the motorcycle outfit. Best. Halloween. Costume. Ever. You know if I could get my hands on that, I'd wear it in a second and shake that fringe like the little strumpet you know and love. (Haha FloJo, L. and L.) Runner up fave: the thigh-high leather boots.


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