
Two items I collect while traveling:

1. Art prints depicting women reading. (This is by Fragonard, it hangs in the National Gallery of Art in D.C.)

2. Little meditating Buddhas. I started my collection when I was in Thailand. These remind me to take a step back, chill out, think things through, be more peaceful and enjoy the journey.


I love, love, love the painting. And your Buddha is cool. I need to get a pic of the one I saw in Japan up so I can finally share.
Rebecca Foster said…
Oooh, yes, I would love to see it. This is a pro photo I found online, much better quality than my camera phone (I'm lazy). But I do have one like this, it sits on the telephone table next to my front door.

We should go to DC together. I am hoping to get there before June. Let me know if you want to talk about it, I'd love to go together. I need to go, I canceled my trip there last year because still too raw, all the memories I have of me and my dad there. But I feel ready now. A part of my healing process to visit there, I think.
Technodoll said…
Two very cool, classy and unusual things to collect!

How many do you have of each now?
Rebecca Foster said…
I've got 4-5 of the little Buddhas, and the prints, 20-30? Mostly postcard to midrange size, though. I frame even the small ones. Museum gift shops are a great place to find them.

I'd also like to get Picasso's "Three Musicians", Gockel's "Jazz Trio" and Leger's "The Three Musicians" and hang them together.
Ah collections......I've went through phases on, I really like to collect Postcards.....I think it's because, I'm CHEAP & they're CHEAP!!!
I'll keep my eye out for cute little Buddhas for ya!!
Rebecca Foster said…
Yeah, and the postcards they sell at museums are usually of pretty high quality. And much easier to pack home! Although if I buy larger, I have it shipped.

Oh, thank you, that is so kind. I would of course compensate you for anything you find. I have come across them in the strangest places.

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