Ellis Island

I went to Ellis Island on a whim. I was meeting up with my cousin in lower Manhattan that evening and I had the whole day alone to do whatever I'd like. I was staying on 181st street at the time, so it was a trek to Ellis, but I'd heard it was kinda cool so I hopped on the assorted trains and ferries I needed to get there, intending to spend just an hour or so before returning to Manhattan to shop before meeting my cousin. I ended up spending the entire day there.

There are exhibits of immigrants belongings, stories of families separated and reunited, the tales of those who were quarantined on the island, not allowed in, not able to immediately make the return trip home. There are handwritten accounts from the immigrants themselves, pictures and photography of the medical examination and English tests, the changing of names, the leap of faith of those who arrived on the island. I was entranced by these stories: intriguing, sad, poignant, tragic, joyful and meaningful. I shed a few tears. And as the daughter of an immigrant to the U.S., I felt like I gained a greater understanding of what my mother went through coming to the U.S. alone, without her family. For a social history buff, Ellis Island is an illuminating snapshot of those who came to settle here, of this moment in their lives when they felt like they had the whole world, and maybe nothing at all, before them. I loved Ellis Island. I look forward to returning with a digital camera.

There is extensive information about Ellis Island on the internet, including virtual tours and transcribed records. I also found the book Ellis Island Interviews at a bookstore for $5.00. (It made me sad it was that cheap. It seems like the stories contained within are worth so much more.) But if you can swing, it, visit the Island itself.



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