
The joke about this ring is not that I got it at Swatch (which I did), but that it's a cherry. I wear it on my ring finger. I have a silly sense of humor. Little jokes like this make me laugh.

Swatch actually has some pretty cool rings. They are stainless steel, not sterling silver, but don't contain any nickel (which I am highly allergic to. A sign of my aristocratic genes, I'm sure.) They also had an apple ring, and some avant-garde designs. But the cherry was not to be passed up., about $50.

P.S. I took this with my camera phone. How have I not had a camera phone before now? I wish I had a cell phone that only texts and and picture messages and browses the internet. I'm not a phone talker. Plus I like texting during church. Keeps me awake.


I don't know how I skipped over this post but I L-O-V-E cherries! Very cute ring...........

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