Sweetest Sleep Socks (and gift idea)

My friend Rebecca gave me these socks last week to keep my cute little feet from turning into toe popsicles this winter. I've worn them the past few nights and I have to recommend them to anyone who likes cloud-soft things and warm feet.

Now, I don't wear smelly lotion, so I generally avoid Bath & Body Works the way I avoid any place perky blonde salesgirls congregate to try to get me to smell stuff. So I can't actually recommend going into the store to buy these socks. But, hello, online shopping! Especially for men reading this: buy these socks for your girlfriend/wife/sister/friend/mom etc. These can never be the wrong gift. No matter if she usually wears slinky things or says she doesn't like socks: these are awesome and only someone with a coal heart could resist them. Plus, if you share a bed, no more cold toes on your legs! Also a great stocking stuffer or cute addition to a larger gift i.e. a very soft lounge blanket. (The lounge socks look pretty comfy, too. Might have to get those for myself.)

Sleep Socks, Bath & Body Works, $7.50 each or 2 for $12


I'm with you on the sickly sweet smell of B&B works........makes me want to hurl!
Rebecca Foster said…
Yeah, I'd make some snarky comment about how BBW is all so girly but sleep socks? Pretty damn girly. I'll stick with the smells complaint. :D

This is also my complaint about Sephora. I LOVE Sephora, but too much perfume in one place. Sephora girls are no BBW girls, though.
Unknown said…
I don't like wearing socks to bed. They drive me crazy. Half the time I don't have socks on during the day. I'm bare foot right now...But wearing jeans and two layers of shirts because it's cold. But not socks.
I've never hear of this smelly store. I wonder if there's any in Canada, or one like it. Those socks would be a good idea for my mother.
Rebecca Foster said…
Jen, funny you'll wear two shirts but no socks. I quite frequently wake up and I'm not wearing socks anymore, so maybe I don't like it either??

Looks like they are not in Canada, but with your dollar right now, if you ordered them online you'd get a deal!! If they won't ship up there, let me know, I'll pick up a pair for you and send up there.

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