Girly Crap: Three Things

1. Schick Intuition razor: FloJo bought me one last time she was in town; any new gadget, she has tried it and gives me stuff she thinks I'll like, what a good friend. She was spot on with this one, it shaves everywhere, over every curve, super-close and smooth with no irritation. Bless the designer who came up with this one, the engineering just works. More expensive, but less than laser treatments and this is your skin, eh? Worth it.

2. Trim brand eyelash curler: they sell this brand at Walgreen's, half the price of the Revlon etc. brands and a tighter curl to boot. And forget those expensive self-heating ones, just blast your hairdryer at this one for 10 seconds or so before using, lashes stay curled until they get wet. Sometimes the old way really is better. Just don't burn your eyelids.

3. The Body Shop liquid eyeliner: some people are afraid of liquid eyeliner, but the crispness and longevity are worth getting it down. This brand has a great applicator and a dark brown shade, not as severe as black but still dark enough to be noticeable. I've been using this one for a decade. (I also use silver, lavender and copper glitter liquid eyeliners, but only for nights out on the town.)

Schick Intuition: around $10 at drugstores, refills extra
Trim Eyelash Curler: around $3.00 at drugstores
The Body Shop liquid eyeliner: $11.50


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