Washington Heights

Washington Heights in northern Manhattan-- I stayed with my cousin when he lived there, on 181st St. On a blog I read, someone said "COME TO WASHINGTON HEIGHTS. It's the happiest place on earth. Seriously, it's like Sesame Street, but all the muppets have weed.*" And that cracked me up, pretty much my new favorite description for WH: Sesame Street on drugs. It's a bit crazy up there, but I love it.

Last time I was there, I walked from Amsterdam Ave to the George Washington Bridge (not a long walk) on 181st. I took some pictures of the GW bridge from the Washington Heights side and when I go back to NYC later this month, I was going to take pictures from the bridge itself of the Manhattan view (there's a pedestrian walkway). But then I read it's illegal to take pictures from the bridge. Homeland Security violation. Crushed.

*thanks to this person for giving me permission to quote her.


Pretty bridge photo......

Ever see the Dave Chappelle's version of sesame street? It's racy but it's pretty funny if you're interested, here's a link: http://www.gametrailers.com/player/usermovies/45132.html
It looks like the link is broken but if you copy and paste it should still work.
Illegal to take pictures in the United States of America out in public due to "Homeland Security" issues? Uncool. I love the Sesame Street on drugs bit. Hilarious!
Rebecca Foster said…
Jessica: something tells me all those kids are going to grow up STD free. That's one good strategy! After living in a bad part of Memphis for 8 months, nothing much I see on the street shocks me. Terribly sad stuff I saw. On a brighter note, thanks! As you can see, overcast day, hope to get a nicer shot this time around.

Sarah: Word. Supposedly signs on the bridge and everything. If I don't see 'em...I'll assume it was overturned. Sucks though.
Anonymous said…
There's nothing illegal about taking photos from a public area.

Might see some signs and get some cops who whine about it, but it's not enforceable beyond the intimidation factor.

There are infrastructure buffs who got in trouble for trespassing by going into areas normally not used by the public since they're enforcing the laws more stringently now and you can't get some of the good shots you used to.
Rebecca Foster said…
Dal, does this mean I can call you from jail to bail me out? GREAT thanks. :D

I read a guy got ticketed on the GWB for taking pics. Perhaps more lax now. I'll get up there see how the atmosphere is. Wow I am such a rebel.
Anonymous said…
Very nice shot, Becca.

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