Sock Dreams

Winter is good for one thing I've decided: stockings. I love over-the-knee and thigh-high versions, fun to wear and pair well with skirts, which I also love. (My friend C. got me these black and red striped ones in Australia; very warm, plus I look like a poisonous snake to boot, who wouldn't want that?) I'm always on the lookout for new pairs and is a treasure trove of stocking funliness. (Yes, I made that word up. You can do that you know.) They have funny, sexy, sheer, thick and wooly, crazy, and pretty stockings of all lengths and styles.

I'm taking a picture of my legs to commemorate my marathon training, so trying to determine my favorite photo-finish stockings. Pretty sure I'm going with unfinished fishnets (left) or plain stockings (right, both website model pics), since I have a cute dark denim corset with garter attachments. A black skirt/garters, pale stockings and my kitty-cat shoes would especially make a statement, that statement being "I am an idiot, but I amuse myself." Fun trying stuff out, though. And a good excuse to buy new pairs. YESSSS.


Fooey....I wish they had more skull socks...the ones I found on there are some that I already have.....I love knee high socks too!!!
Rebecca Foster said…
Rats. I'll keep an eye out for skull ones. Have you checked My sis loves skull stuff, too. And she buys me awesome tall socks, including a couple of cute argyle pairs for Christmas. I wear them with loafers and a pleated skirt and feel quite British. Sometimes I wear them under jeans to keep my legs warm.
I found some exceptionally cool socks in Japan this summer. We should get together and hop over to Tokyo to go shopping. (If only.) BTW - I love your new profile pic. Your hair looks AWESOME!
Rebecca Foster said…
It's a plan! I bet, cool style there.

Thank you, it's a cropped shot I took of my bathing suit to show my friend FloJo, who said it sounded ugly (brown and yellow Pucci-type print). I cropped out the cleavage. Cuz I felt weird about it. Is that weird?
The King said…
Holy Jesus! These pictures rule!
Ace said…
Makes me wanna go to the pet store to buy a poisonous snake! Other than that, I'm speechless!
Rebecca Foster said…
King and Ace: glad you like 'em. Thanks for the feedback!
Technodoll said…
ooo stockings... rreeerrr! love them, have loads of them, want more. more. more.

also drives the man a bit crazy, if you know what i mean.. he he.
Rebecca Foster said…
Techno, if I come back to Montreal we need to go shopping! We have the same tastes. I bought some while I was there, in the Plateau (?) neighborhood. I stayed on Sherbrooke, it wasn't a far walk.
very Sexy Rebecca...

Technodoll said…
he he. I live on the plateau! w00t!!
Rebecca Foster said…
Thank you, Damien.

Techno: Sweet! Jealous! Wonderful place. And I thought I recognizes some of those shots you posted. Glad to know my radar was working properly.

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