
For my birthday later this month, I'm spending a few hours at a Japanese spa. I've booked an hour and a half hot stone massage, a facial and a pedicure, courtesy of a gift certificate I received for Christmas.

What I love about the spa: the comfy robes, soothing music, teas to drink, my awesome massage guy (wonderful strong hands), the steam room and sauna, and the Japanese tea garden where you can sit and relax between treatments.

Sometimes I feel bad about spending that much money (especially not my own) on trivial expenditures. Don't really need those things. But last year on my birthday is when my dad's doctor told us it appeared the cancer had spread to the outside of his lungs and could start to choke off the arteries within days. (It was 20 days. He fought 'til the end.) It was a horrible day. The year before I spent my birthday with him in his hospital room, then took a red-eye home to San Antonio. I cried the whole flight. I felt so alone and sad. Two not great birthdays. So screw it, right or wrong, I need to do something fun this year for my birthday, frivolity and all.


Good. Every girl needs a good spa day now and then. May it be a sinfully fabulous experience. And Happy Birthday! Love you, woman!
Anonymous said…
Every guy, too. I need a spa day.

It will be good for you I'm sure......I'll cry for you this year..
Jenn-n-n said…

You go and pamper yourself lady!!! It is not frivolous; it is called tending to your inner garden. Go, get rid of all those weeds cluttering up the innermost you, create some space, let the sun shine in. It is just as important to look after ourselves as it is to look after others. In fact, if we aren't caring for ourselves we are no good to anyone else.

Remember the good times with your Dad, do not dwell on his illness and his ultimate battle. Remember how proud he was of you and know that he is truly with you each day. Sit quietly, you will sense him.

I will be thinking of you sistah!
Technodoll said…
I think your father would want very much for you to have a peaceful and happy birthday... light a candle in his honor?

Spas feed the soul, they're not frivolous. Without souls we are mere mammals.
Rebecca Foster said…
Sarah: thank you! You too. Sinfully...well, I will be in public, but my mind is private! Haha.

Jeremy: I can think of about 50 girls who would probably chip in 10 bucks each for you to have a spa day. The moving furniture analogy alone must be worth at least $5.

Jessica: what a kind thing to say. Thank you for that. I don't want anyone to cry! I am going to optimistic that it won't be necessary... :)

Jenn: I know you have been through this so I appreciate the words of advice. How about I pretend during my massage it is a handsome hunk of a man who madly fancies me and I am on an island somewhere warm? Yes, my weeds have become overgrown as of late, I am going to go in guilt free. Thanks.

Techno: what a wonderful idea, thank you. And, I do view massage as being very mentally, emotionally and physically therapeutic. The facial and pedicure are just for fun and frivolous, but I will also look at them as therapeutic. And a few days later I am flying to NYC for a friend's wedding, at least I will have pretty skin and feet! Plus, my feet have been getting quite abused lately training for the marathon, they do need some TLC.

Thank you everyone, I will let you know how the spa day goes.

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