Something Kinda Oooh

I have terrible taste in music. My main criteria is whether I can sing it, dance it, or drive fast to it. Pretty low standards. I have this song on my iPod running playlist and it always gives me a little burst of energy. Suck it, music snobs, I know it's bad. I love it. (Warning: Brits are excellent wordsmiths, bad music video makers.)

Also, it makes me want to wear silver hot pants and shake my booty. Is that so wrong?


Technodoll said…
Girl, whassamaddawityou? Awesome song, nothing wrong about it - ooh! I do love it! ooh! :-D
Rebecca Foster said…
I never get tired of it.

I like the short blonde haircut, think I might do that next time I get mine done, but other than that, those girls need a new stylist and choreographer stat! Blech

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