Getting Off The Train

FloJo is in town, staying with me. Friday night we watched Before Sunrise. For those that haven't seen it, a guy and a girl meet on a train in Europe; he's getting off in Vienna, she's getting off in Paris. He asks her to take a chance and get off the train in Vienna and hang out with him until his plane leaves in the morning (hence the title). We had the following conversation:

Me: Would you have gotten off the train?
FloJo: No way!
Me: Do you think I would have gotten off the train?
FloJo: Yes... but I wish you wouldn't.

I love trains. I love the feeling that you could go anywhere, meet anyone, have a grand adventure you could never anticipate and watch unfold with exhilaration. FloJo thinks I take too many chances sometimes. Especially the new chances I am preparing to take. But she supports me. And for all those that understand why I need to "get off the train," and who will be there when I return, I appreciate your support. I will miss you. (And, I have promised FloJo I won't get off any trains with strangers overseas.)


Matt said…
Sex and the City, Season 5, Episode 73. That's all I got to say.
Anonymous said…
I sometimes wish I got off the train more often. Just sayin ;)

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