I always thought it was bad for babies to have pierced ears.....I've been in the vicinity when they were having them done before.....blood curdling screams echoed through my ears.....poor baby....
WW and Techno: yeah, it's a weird thing really. I'm sure I cried. But in our family it was just tradition, since my mom is Spanish.
And thank you, I love her big eyes and cheeks. And she is the funniest baby, she's quite serious for a 6 month old. She babbles a lot and she'll furrow her brow like what's she's saying is very serious. And she hates having her picture taken, usually turns away. I bet you couldn't tell.
I've had my ears done when I was five months old. My sister's were done at six months. If I would have had a daughter instead of a son, her ears would have been done by now. If I ever have a daughter, she will get her's done young. I love little earrings on babies. It adds to their sweet factor. I've had people suggest me getting Chase's ears done. It's bad enough I hate getting his hair cut and stranges think he's a girl sometimes; I'm not piercing his ears! If he wants one or both when he's older, I'm fine with that. Just not now.
Rebecca, please contact me before you leave for the Peace Corps - holy crap, did I just say that? Anyway, email me at aleesh04@gmail.com and I'll give you my phone number. I am DYING to talk to you. I have been on your blog for hours and I just want to reconnect. Love you! Please email, I'll check every day until you do.
After judging a speech competition all morning at a school that is not my own, I was asked to hand out the second place prizes. They also asked some other teachers, but I missed the details because they only gave them in Chinese and I didn’t understand everything. I was only supposed to hand out 4 of 12 prizes. But the prize girl kept handing me certificates, so I kept handing them out, while the audience laughed at me. I didn’t know what was going on, so I just kept going until someone stopped me. Later, I was interviewed for the school news, on video, and the girl interviewing me asked me this question: Random Girl: “When you made the mistake and everyone was laughing at you, what did you feel inside?” Really, random girl? Really? On camera you ask me this? Really? Two years ago, this would have devastated me. Now, I just have to laugh and say, “Oh well! Such is life in China.” Cultural mistakes will be made. It happens. For the record, I told her I felt that it is maybe go...
Back in San Antonio, my friend Stacey had asked me to pick her up from the airport. It was full summer, and for those of you who haven't been in San Antonio in the summertime, you know that expression 'hot as an oven'? Well, I like to say San Antonio summers are 'hot as downwind from an exhaust pipe.' (Which means when you actually are downwind from an exhaust pipe, things get really unpleasant.) It's quite common for there to be a temperature difference of 35-40 degrees between indoor and outdoor air during a San Antonio summer. True story: I had a small heater at my work desk and turned it on in the summer, not winter, because the air conditioning was on so high in our building I froze to death at my desk. So anyway, I go straight from the gym to the airport to pick up Stacey. It's 10 pm but still around 100 degrees outside. Inside, it's a balmy 60 or so. Gotta give those tourists a false sense of comfort! I'm pacing a bit in the baggage area wa...
I always thought it was bad for babies to have pierced ears.....I've been in the vicinity when they were having them done before.....blood curdling screams echoed through my ears.....poor baby....
although they do look darn cute!
Funny thing... I haven't worn earrings in years.
You both look beautiful in that pic! Deer-in-headlights look for the niece and all, LOL!
And thank you, I love her big eyes and cheeks. And she is the funniest baby, she's quite serious for a 6 month old. She babbles a lot and she'll furrow her brow like what's she's saying is very serious. And she hates having her picture taken, usually turns away. I bet you couldn't tell.
I've had my ears done when I was five months old. My sister's were done at six months. If I would have had a daughter instead of a son, her ears would have been done by now. If I ever have a daughter, she will get her's done young. I love little earrings on babies. It adds to their sweet factor.
I've had people suggest me getting Chase's ears done. It's bad enough I hate getting his hair cut and stranges think he's a girl sometimes; I'm not piercing his ears! If he wants one or both when he's older, I'm fine with that. Just not now.