
I don't like unidentified smells. I often ask "What's that smell?" (and often get teased for it), but I don't think I underestimate the importance of smell. Have you ever smelled an old perfume, type of food, etc. and had a flood of memories come back? It's incredible. I bought a sealed package of chopsticks in Bangkok and opened them at home several months later. They smelled just like Bangkok, a very distinct smell, and the memories were instantaneous.
I have mentioned here before I love the smell of men's t-shirts, so it was interesting to read in a recent magazine blurb that the way men and women smell to each other can have as much to do with how they get along as looks and personality factors. If someone smells "off" to you, you are probably not going to be attracted to them, no matter how handsome, beautiful or likeable they are.
Have you ever been inexplicably attracted to someone you know is totally wrong for you, but just can't seem to shake it off? And, have you ever known someone who seems logically so right for you, but you just can't make yourself feel it? Chemistry: can't turn it on, can't turn it off. Both can be frustrating. But maybe it comes down to smell. And I kinda like knowing not everything about it me is operating on a conscious, logical plane. I still have some animal instincts at work. That's pretty cool.
The Smell of Love
Women's Sexual Satisfaction Linked to the Way Men Smell
I can pick out smells that make me think of Steve. His soap, his shampoo. I also use his pillow when he's not home because it smells of him.
If the chemistry ain't right, the boat ain't leaving the dock! LOL