Naughty Apron

Some friends made me this apron. I already thought it was hilarious, and then I saw the backside:

Who the hell makes fabric of a guy pulling his pants off? What exactly do they think you'd make out of this? A quilt? Anyway, it's my favorite apron anyone's ever given me. My friends, they rule.


Jenn-n-n said…
I would SO make some sleeping boxers out of that material...but then...I'm kinda naughty!!!!
Matt said…
Wouldn't that just make the insomonia worse?
Jenn-n-n said…
Maybe it would make the dreams sweeter!!
Technodoll said…
I LOVE it! woooh! Gives BBQ cookin' a whole new meaning to smokin' hot :-D
SherBear said…
Oh, that is HI-larious!!! You do have pretty cool friends!!!

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