Stripper Music

When I was a little kid, I loved my dad's old records. The Sting was a favorite, especially the track Hooker's Hooker, a classic striptease song. I would put on layers and layers of clothes and play "stripper" in the living room. (NOTE: I was always fully dressed underneath and remained so.) I didn't understand what strippers did in a larger context, but I thought they were beautiful and got to dance to the best music! (It's funny to me now my parents never said anything to me about my "game.")

I still love classic stripper music. My friend J. in Texas introduced me to this great compilation, Take It Off!. (J's house is decked out like a 60's Rat Pack martini bar, my favorite house to play at by far. Those of you who have seen the picture of me on the bed under the mirrored ceiling? J's bedroom.) It's a lot of fun to listen to, as well as a great dancing/workout CD. Try it! (Samples here as well. I especially like track 8.)


Anonymous said…
I have that exact CD. Hilarious.
Technodoll said…
he he! I remember Chris deBurgh's "Patricia The Stripper" on his Spanish Train album - I was 6 years old but I knew it was something dirty!

Ah the good old days, eh?
Rebecca Foster said…
Jeremy: Get out! Let's be friends.

Techno: never heard of that song, but you can get I am googling Ah yes indeed. Fun memories.

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