Chinese Bathroom
Eastern-style bathrooms are very efficient. This is the bathroom in my host family's apartment. The washing machine drains directly into the squat toilet, eliminating the need for extra pipes and hoses. The washing machine spins like a dryer, seems to work better than western agitation washing machines, my clothes come out very, very clean. (They are dried on a line outside the window.)

The mops behind the toilet are used to squeegee the water on the floor from the shower into the squat toilet. The squat toilet sits a few centimeters lower than the rest of the room and eventually everything drains into it. They only use hand-size towels (I think because of the size of the washing machine, but I am not sure).
I miss taking baths!

The mops behind the toilet are used to squeegee the water on the floor from the shower into the squat toilet. The squat toilet sits a few centimeters lower than the rest of the room and eventually everything drains into it. They only use hand-size towels (I think because of the size of the washing machine, but I am not sure).
I miss taking baths!
A friend of mine is working over in Saudi and he said they don't even have seats on their toilets, it's BYOS. I told him to buy a cushioned one and then charge ppl usage for it LOL.
Thanks for sharing your experiences over there Becca.
I've done my business while squatting the the woods plenty of times.....using that thing wouldn't be too bad!