
Here are some questions my students asked me about America:

1. Do Americans spend a lot of money on exercise?
2. Do Americans kiss each other when they say hello?
3. Is it hard to for a foreigner to get into American universities?
4. What is the 3rd largest city in America?
5. Who do I think will be the next President?

And here is a picture of one of my students. They often give this 'peace' gesture in photos. I am not sure where they learned it, but it is very popular with students.


Uncle Will said…
Sounds like you're having a great time! Could you ask your students a few questions for me? Like, do they think those bean turnovers/pies they have at McDonald's over there are really yummy or do they know they taste like dirt? Are they as excited about hosting the Olympics as the media makes it sound? Why is Hello Kitty so popular over there? Also, do they think we all look alike?

I loved China! Wish I was there with you!!! You so lucky! Or, as our souvenir book said -- the one we bought at the Great Wall -- "You're a Plucky Hero!" I'm not sure what "plucky" means, but I'm guessing it means the same thing as "lucky."

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