
I have been really angry and upset this week, due to some things happening in the educational system here. Angry and upset enough to make me want to throw in the towel and come home, to feel that being here is a waste of time. I have talked to a few other volunteers, they feel the same way. It's nice to know I am not alone in how I feel. None of us really have a solution. I don't want to say more right now, but just so you know, that is why the lack of posts.


Jenn-n-n said…
Don't give up Becca. I know that it must at times feel like the most daunting task ever; and you probably have days where you feel so very alone, BUT... look how far you've come.

The lady that I am working with has challenged me with this homework for the next week, I pass the challenge on to you as well. Each day, in that journal I sent you I want to you take 5-10 minutes and write down all the positives from your day. We tend to focus on the negatives, by forcing ourselves to view the positives and acknowledge them we are also altering our thinking patterns. Soon we will focus on positives more than negatives.

I know you are up to the challenge.

We'll compare notes next week!!!

You are going to be so very proud of yourself at the end of this experience. You will look back and say WOW I DID IT!!!! Don't rob yourself of that moment my friend.

Rod Beck said…
Hi Rebecca your grandparents are here and they want to comment on your blog. So the following post is from them:

Hi Puff! Stay away from Chinaman! When will you be home? We miss you honey. We got your postcard but we can't read your return address. Email your address to Rhonda or Rod so we will have it.

We Love and miss you Hurry Home!!

Grandma & Grandpa

The following is from Rhonda:

Hi Reb. Thanks for the postcard. Sorry I haven't written, life is busy with children and grandchildren. Kenzie surprised me with a plane ticket to CA this month and I enjoyed 4 days with them and little Kieran. Jeremy and Catherine think they will be in DC next year but they don't know yet. How's your Chinese language coming? Love, Aunt Rhonda
keep your head up kiddo... there will always be highs and lows...

SherBear said…
Oh Rebecca, I'm so sorry you're going thru such a rough patch. I ache for you, honey! I hope things improve before your visit home so you won't be tempted to stay here! Pray hard and hang in there until you feel strongly that you are supposed to do something else with your life.
Sarah said…
Rebecca -
I'm keeping you in my prayers. I can't even imagine the difficulties you're dealing with. Remember that even if you feel like you're not making a difference overall, to one or two people, you are changing their lives. That's awesome and amazing.
Love you,
Technodoll said…
My goodness, it must be really bad if it rattles you like this :-(

You've gotten lots of sage advice so I shall just say "listen to them but listen to your heart too".

Life is too short for regrets of any kind.
Rebecca said…
Thank you all. I think I am the one who is going to have to adjust. China certainly isn't going to change for me! It'll get better, I'm sure. I'm just looking for a big glass for the kool-aid I have to drink! :D

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