Electric Blanket Under the Sheets
My apartment in China does not have central heat, so it gets quite chilly in here. I bought an electric blanket (which I pray doesn't catch on fire--products here are not known for their reliability and safety) but follow the Chinese tradition of placing the blanket underneath the bottom sheet and cotton mattress pad, not over the top comforter. I turn it on about an hour before I am going to go to bed, and it is delicious crawling into the bottom-up warmed sheets. I'll probably die in a fire for keeping an electric blanket under a cotton pad and sheet, but it sure is nice while it lasts.
I also love the heat lamps someone installed in the bathroom ceiling, the only heat source in there. Brightest light ever, but very nice when you step out of the shower.
Love ya!
I think that "warm cozy bed" is what Jake the Dalmatian tries to telepathecially tell me when I kick him out each even from being curled in front of my pillows.
Unfortunately it only heats up a small portion of the bed when he curls up there.