Funny Stuff

I've heard humor is a good antidote to discouragement, so here are two funny things that happened today: 

1. Every Monday I have lunch with another foreign teacher at my school. Today the place we went had a cat roaming around. (Usually we go to the puppy place.)  There was a cardboard box sitting in the corner. He said, "Look in that box." I said, "Why, is there a cat in there?"  Sure enough, another kitty was curled up asleep in the box. I love that now my first guess is an animal of some sort sleeping in a box where I eat lunch. 

2. My friend Rebecca sent me some measuring cups and spoons, since I can't find them here. I opened the box in front of my Chinese tutor and she was amazed by them, kept picking them up and flipping through them. Finally she asked me, "Why do Americans need so many spoons?" Good question. We just do. (Chinese cooking doesn't involve any measuring, you just throw in 'enough.') 


Jenn-n-n said…
When I cook I think I must be Chinese.

When I bake I measure.
Technodoll said…
I'm with Jenn-n-n! :-D

PS: they don't really eat cats and dogs in China, do they?...
Matt said…
I think it's what Jenn-n-n said.

With few, if any, exceptions cooking doesn't require precision.

Baking however is different.

And I don't associate Chinese cuisine with items like cakes, raised breads, fluffy-crusted pies, etc.

My mom is not the best in the kitchen (unlike myself and four sisters who are all above average, go figure). I know it's because she spends TOO much time trying to be precise and follow recipes exactly. Imagine Adrianne Monk trying to cook :)
Rebecca said…
Techno, sorry for the delay, but yes, some parts of China do eat cat and dog. Luckily not my part! Cantonese, which is further south from me, eats anything that moves.

jen and Matt, you are both much better cooks than I am. I cook by taste, but also measuring. I wanted these because I bought corn flour and wanted to make my own corn tortillas, but couldn't get the ratio right. And I know it is 1 1/2 cups water to 2 cups flour. Now I can do it!

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