A Day In The Life of a Peace Corps Volunteer

What I did today (Saturday):

Woke up around 9 AM.
Read emails, caught up on news, used my sun lamp
Ate breakfast
Took a shower
Misc. grooming, i.e. plucked my eyebrows
Put in a load of laundry
Worked on lesson plans for next week
Ate lunch
More internet reading
Cleaned the kitchen
Went to the bakery for sliced bread
Watched a movie while I hung up the laundry in my room to dry
Wrote Christmas cards
Fretted about my airline reservations home (all messed up)
Ate dinner
Studied Chinese
Answered some emails
Wrote a final exam

Now it is 9 PM, I am going to bed because I have nothing else to do.

There, now you know the details of my very exciting life in China.



Hope you're having a little better day than in your last post. I surely enjoyed our conversation last week--let's do it again soon. I'm at James's and Marianne's house tending the kids while the parent go see "Twlight." McKenna is crawling--so cute! Let's talk again soon.



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