Cooking and Timing

Cooking: in my apartment I have a toaster oven, a hot plate, and a microwave. So I am learning to cook Chinese food using these three things. It is slow going. Full size ovens are rare and most of the food here is fried or steamed, not baked. Oh yeah, I also have a rice cooker, indispensable to Chinese cooks for both rice cooking and food steaming, but I don't use mine. I don't think rice is very healthy, and I just steam my veggies in the microwave.

Timing: Enjoy your extra hour of sleep! No daylight savings here, and furthermore, the entire country is one time zone: Beijing Time. So my clock in Western China follows the same clock as Eastern Beijing. On the plus side, daylight does end later here. (I probably live in the equivalent of Western Time.) Chinese people are always surprised to learn the U.S. and Canada are split up into different time zones.


Technodoll said…
So it must be dark quite early in some parts of the country depending on the time of year, no?

Strange :-D

So what's your favorite recipe that you've discovered lately... would love to see and hear about it!

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