Big Trucks

Maybe it is the Texan in me, but I love big trucks. My dad had a Ford F-150 V-8, not a huge truck, but the perfect size for me. The best part of visiting him (other than him, of course) was being able to use the truck while I was there. He just used it to tow stuff, so it was all mine when I was in town. I felt like the Queen of Sheba driving it, I wanted to drive all over the other cars. 
I have a dorky sedan, but my dream is to own a truck. Too expensive for me right now, but someday...
If I had to choose between a guy who drove a sportscar and one who owned a truck? Truckman, hands down. Sports cars are for weinies! 


Anonymous said…
Amen Sista! I love men in trucks, I just like watching a man drive a truck (from the passenger seat of course) makes little fireworks go off behind my eyes.
I drive a truck, love it and even though I complain about the gas bill..I dont think I can give it up :)

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