
Othello is my favorite board game AND my favorite Shakespearean play, but this post is about the board game. 
If you've never played Othello, it sounds easy: you and a partner each choose a color (black or white) then attempt to turn all the wafers on the board to your color. You do this by taking turns placing wafers on the board and trying to surround your opponent's wafers with one of your own color at either end; a wafer is flipped to be the color of the most recent tiles surrounding it. 
I learned to play it at around age 7, with my grandpa; it's a great game for kids to play with adults because it has simple rules and requires few verbal skills, but can help kids sharpen logic and strategy skills. It's a visual logic game, not a game of chance. And it's not a game you "master"; ideally, you continue to play against a partner that matches your skill level and continues to challenge you.
Try it! You might like it. 


Rebex said…
Wow! I totally forgot about this game. I used to love it when I was little. Time to go buy it, I guess. :)

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