
I am finally home! It was a harrowing journey, starting because the travel agency I used to purchase my ticket put Ms. as part of my name. Which is not on my passport of course, so the China airline was not going to let me on the plane. They don't know about titles, they just match up alphabet letters. I almost had a meltdown right at the airport. It took about 3 hours to get the mess straightened out, and the whole rest of the trip I was afraid I would get blocked again from getting on a plane because of it. And the the flight from China took off two hours late, causing me to miss my connection at LAX, causing me to have to spend the night unexpectedly in LA, but alls well that ends well and I am home. PHEW. I am scared to get back on the plane to go back to China. I hate flying, this did nothing for that.

But, sad to say, I am relieved to be out of China. There are little ways I have noticed that I have acclimated to China (being okay with a lack of personal space, lowered standards for cleanliness, comfort using chopsticks instead of fork and knife), but overall, I am just relieved to have this break to get back my bearings.

I still have bad jetlag, but I am trying to get on the right schedule here. I got out of a bunch of boxes of clothes and shoes I had packed away here, it's like Christmas going through your old stuff. I am excited to take some of my favorite things back to China with me that I had left here the first time.


Rebex said…
So glad you got home safely (despite the hiccups you encountered along the way). Enjoy your trip! :)
Technodoll said…
Yay! Glad you're on home land, safe and sound... I keep saying you are one super brave & adventurous woman. Lord knows how few people ever dare live such an adventure.

I promise that when you're my age you'll look back upon these times with fond regret, no matter how hard they seem now.

Now go have pancakes with bacon! LOL


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