Gilligan O' Malley Bra

I bought three of these bras to take to China, one each in pink, black and beige. Very soft and comfy, but good support and fit (I'm a 36C), with no strap sliding.  The height of the cups is great too, not granny-like high, but not weird-t-shirt-edge low, either. It's the middle bear of bras. 
And they are convertible, which I didn't realize until about 2 months ago. (I am not, generally, a noticer of things.) But I kicked myself when I realized, because just before I left for China (after I had left home but before I flew out), I had a dinner date I really wanted to look nice for, so I brought a new charcoal silk dress I had splurged on (limited packing space!). Which really needed a strapless bra. And that in all my rush to move to China, I had forgotten to pack.  I had a gray cardigan I could wear to hide the straps, so I did that instead. In June. In Washington, D.C. (If you are not familiar with D.C. June weather: very hot and humid.) I was already nervous, and now also several degrees too warm. I am sure my collarbone area and face were a bit flushed throughout the evening. Not only that, I wore this combo again in China and got my picture taken at a banquet. UGH. The cardigan looked terrible, very frumpy. And made me look about four sizes bigger than I actually am.  I was horrified I had worn this combo, ever, and winced at how I had blown how I wanted to look for my dinner date. 
So imagine how I felt when one of the straps of my bra came loose from the cup and I realized, HEY, THESE THINGS COME OFF. I PACKED THREE STRAPLESS BRAS AND DIDN'T KNOW IT. I deserve it when I make an idiot of myself due to my lack of situational awareness. But don't make my mistake: buy these super comfy bras! Wear them with anything! Look as good as you were meant to look! 
Available at Target (a great place to buy bras, better quality for the money than VS. This picture is from their website, it is not me.)


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