Corset Dress

This song is full of crap, but her corset dress is gorgeous. If you can stand waiting until the song is almost over, there is a great shot of it while she is running through the field. Because if I'm wearing a corset dress, pretty much that's what I'm going to do, too. I mean, how can you do something mundane like drive a car in a corset dress? Running through a field towards your lover, that's what corset dresses are for.  But I digress. This is a great dress*. WANT. 
*THIS is what I should have been wearing for my D.C. dinner date. No bra needed. 


Rebex said…
Ha ha! Now that you mention it, that song is full of crap...but I love it anyway. :)
Rebecca Foster said…
For reals. Romeo and Juliet? Really?

I don't think she ever finished the play.

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