Definitely Maybe

I got this email today from our school secretary regarding time off in May. It is so very Chinese, I just had to share it.
"We have May Day off in May. It should be 3 days. But now I can tell you the
exact dates. Most probably from May 1st to May 3rd.

It is pretty much impossible to get an exact, definite answer to anything, because no one wants to be left with egg on their face if things change. Or get in trouble for making their superiors look bad if things change. So everyone just accepts a constant state of 'maybe'  and 'probably.' As frustrating as it sounds, I've pretty much learned to deal with it. In fact, I've even learned to use it to my advantage. I commit to nothing here! 
Another cultural difference: when you read the above, you'd think we get three extra days off, right? No, my Western friends. The three days includes the two days we already get off for the weekend. In my mind, I really get just one day off, Friday. In their minds, it's three days off, Friday-Sunday. We'd call this a three day weekend.  Just different semantics for the same thing. I've learned not to get my hopes up about days off here. 


Amy said…
I love it! I'm gonna use that one on my secretary the next time we have a three day weekend. I'll let her know she can have 3 days off.
Rebex said…
I'd love to have a cultural excuse for being noncommittal. It would solve so many of my problems. Ha ha!
Technodoll said…
I think I'd fit right in! Any excuse for "holidays", ha ha!

Great post, once again :-)
Matt said…
I think you have a bright and promising career ahead writing contracts in the U.S.

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