Ottawa Vacation

In Spring of 2007, I went on a solo vacation to Ottawa and Montreal, Canada. Ottawa is a beautiful and charming city, I highly recommend stopping by if you are in the area. Although Montreal is a bit more cosmopolitan and well-known, I actually preferred Ottawa. If I had to do it again, I would cut back on the days I spent in Montreal and spend more time in Ottawa. 

I stayed in Byward Market, which is within walking distance to Parliament, restaurants, shopping, pubs, the National Gallery of Art, the Musuem of Civilizations, the Canadian War Museum and an all around enjoyable entertainment district. There is also a large mall in the Market area, if you are intersted in that. I stayed at the Marriott Courtyard because I had some connections for a room discount, but there is also the Byward Blue Inn B&B  nearby. I walked by the Inn and it was very nice, on a great street. If I were going back, I'd have no problem staying at this B&B.  And, the Market is ringed with delicious shawarma shops. Make sure and try some while you are there! And if you want to splurge on a taxi ride, Louie's Pizza is worth the trip. Some of the best pizza I've ever had. I also went on the Ottawa Haunted Walk, and that was a lot of fun. 

It was about a $15 taxi ride from Byward Market to the train station, and the Marriott has shuttle service to the airport. You can buy joint tickets for the Museum of Civilization and the War Museum at either museum. 

Because I was a single female traveling alone, I got detained at customs and had to go speak to an immigration officer. They looked at my hotel reservations and travel itinerary, I guess to confirm I was not eloping to Canada?  But other than that, the trip went very smoothly, everyone was friendly and helpful and willing to chat with a foreigner. It's a delightful city and if I were planning a romantic vacation, believe it or not I'd choose Ottawa. 

You can see pictures I took of Ottawa here


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