Teaching, plus Other Things

I am back in the classroom now, and I love it. Most of the time I think, "What on earth am I doing here?"  I feel so out of place, socially retarded, and just weird here. This culture is so different from my own, it's a constant battle to find the balance spot in the teeter totter. But being in the classroom is the only time it makes sense to me why I gave up what I did to be here.  My students are awesome and have tough times ahead of them. I hope I can help them find their strengths and the confidence to make a difference in the world. 

Now, in my last list, I left off the things OTHER people have sent me so I didn't have to bring them back that have also been very helpful!  And no, these lists are not surreptitous requsts for items. I've got a good supply of stuff here right now, and my mom will send me more when I need it. But at various times we all know people going overseas. So, here are some things people have sent me that really helped: 

Dried and canned soups
Powdered milk
Beef jerky
Dried fruit
Nice pens and markers
Quality vitamins

Hope you all had a good weekend! 


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