What Do Men Want?

I think men and women who care for each other, whether friends, romantic relationships, or whatever, should do things for each other to show their care and concern. But, I'll admit it is sometimes hard for me to know what these things should be, for several reasons. 

First, men are different and what one guy likes, another guy may not care about at all. Duh. But, most of us don't broadcast this information right up front. So until you spend enough time together to know what they like, it's basically a blind stumble. 

Second, yeah, yeah, I KNOW what men like. It's pretty easy to play to the lowest common denominator. But, surely there has to be more than that? Right? If you only try the lowest common denominator stuff, you might never get to the second tier, personalized stuff. I think the second tier stuff is great. I don't want a relationship without it. 

Third, well, some men are just not great at giving feedback on what they like and don't like. I'm trying to remember this on the opposite end of the deal, and be more open about my likes and dkislikes. (Luckily, I tend to like pretty simple things; it's not hard at all to please me.)

Fourth, perhaps I am just retarded. Sometimes I feel like I have Aspberger's, I just can't figure out how to do things that seem so easy for other people. Maybe that's the situation here. 

To me, there is nothing worse in a relationship than trying to do something you think the guy would like, only to find out they couldn't give a rat's ass about it. It makes me feel like we really shouldn't be together. 


Rebex said…
A-freaking-men! (Amen) I totally get this post.

No further comments.
Harold said…
i have no idea what you're talking about... not really. from the guys point of view, we are confused by the girls, trying to figure out what they like, can be a bit like, playing darts in the dark. just throw and hope you hit the target. i've tried to do things i thought girls like, especially since i know i like them, but nada, zilch, i love dancing for example, all kinds, but no one wants to do that. mis perceptions from both sides can always doom a relationship. i tried chocolate for one girl because i know she loves to cook. find out she hates to eat chocolate, can cook chocolate, but hates to eat it. weird. another girl, i go out once, thought we had a great time, now she never talks to me. don't know what i did, but your frustrations are our frustrations as well. if only there were an easier way.

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