St. Patrick's Day

We had a Peace Corps Volunteers party for St. Pat's day here in Chongqing. About 20 people came. We are all spread out over this huge city of 13 million people, so it's nice when we can all get together. I am wearing the Miss St. Patrick's Day crown. You can click any of the pictures for the full size.

First, me and Chris. He is from NYC and very sweet to me, he gave me a heavy coat when it got cold here suddenly and I didn't have one. I would LOVE to hear his students' English; I always say when I meet a student and they have a NYC accent, I'll know Chris was their teacher. 

Me and Austin. He is a maniac, the most extroverted person I have ever met. We also went to Xi'an together. He lives about 2 hours away but came in for the party. 
Me and Phil. We love Gossip Girl, so we are doing our best Chuck Bass impressions here. 


Rebecca said…
You are so fabulous!
Rebecca said…
No no, you are!

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