Obama and The Yankees: Chinese Hip Hop Fashion

I went a-wandering today and came across a small shop selling "hip hop" fashion (their words, not mine). A few of the items for sale:

An Obama 'Hope' belt buckle:

$100 bill belt buckles:

And of course, the Yankees:

You could also buy a Mao bags, Che Guevera bags, big fake diamond earring studs and fake gold rings with "50 Cent" printed on them. And this Paul Frank monkey, wearing a military uniform and waving a flag:

I really want to go back and buy something from this store, just for the fact it exists in China. While wandering I also found these fake eyelashes with little diamond studs at the lashline:
A very productive day!


Busy Bee Suz said…
So which belt buckle did you buy?
Love those eyelashes!!!
Technodoll said…
sexxaaay eyes! reeeeeerr!

yeah "hip hop" shops here have pretty much the same loot... ha ha! it's world-wide anarchy :-D

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