Chinglish For Dumb Persons

From my city government's English page about long-distance bus service to and from Chongqing:

"The bus station is equipped with the bus broadcasting station, fire fighting machines, air-conditions, and x-light insecurity check system equipments. Particularly, the bus station sets up an information desk with English, Japanese language and the special terms for dumb persons."

True story: the last time I took a bus, the person checking luggage at the 'x-light insecurity check system equipments' was fast asleep. No one seemed to care. (And English? Not so much.)


Megan said…
my favorite part is the : "and special terms for dumb persons" hehe
Busy Bee Suz said…
This is just amazing. And here, you are not supposed to call people what they ARE: Dumb!!!
Thanks for sharing.
Technodoll said…
OMG you made me pee my pants! Seriously? That is priceless!!
Maria said…
I can relate to all this. Great stuff!
Kelly said…
I love this post! But didn't I see that same sign in West Valley City?

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