Traveling In China Is Fun, Except For The Actual Traveling

Thought you might like a quick peek at a Chinese train station waiting area (click to enlarge). No air conditioning, of course. I stood in line with sweat literally dripping down the backs of my legs and onto the floor. One nice thing about China: you can take a shower just standing there. (And I'm still dehydrated today; been guzzling water all morning and have yet to pee.) The metal gates leading to the platform are on the other side of the room, so I'm at the back of the line here.This was just one of three terminals in the train station,  mid-day on a weekday (read: the least crowded time). The sheer number of people in China sometimes astounds me. Someone here said, "There are 1.3 billion people in China. And by the time you leave, you're going to feel like you've seen all of them." Yup.

(Cell phone pic)


Busy Bee Suz said…
Holy Mackeral!!! I don't know if I could handle this...I have issues with people in my 'bubble' and sweating people have NO place in my sweaty bubble. :)
Have fun!
yrautca said…
Wow, O'Hare looks like a breeze compared to that. Reminds me that during my hike I would drink gallons of water and not pee.
Stephanie said…
Wow! I don't think I could handle this...not that great with big crowds and little places:)
WOW...All I can say is WOW. That is unbelievable. But great character to be able to make humor out of the sweating you have to do waiting in line. You are such a brave soul to hang in there. I wouldnt last as long...
mjfoster77 said…
Hey - there's Waldo!

Seriously, that is messed up...
Technodoll said…
As long as you don't get ill from all the germs floating in that soup... ugh. Seriously, that photo make me feel ill!

I hate people and crowds, LOL!

Brave Rebecca... hope the vacation was worth it!
thatgirlblogs said…
haven't been there in a few years but this photo takes me back.

keep drinking that water and push, push, push through those lines ;)
Scarlet said…
I'd be too claustrophic to enjoy my stay in China. Thank God you're there so I'm able to see it through your eyes.

Your pics (and the stories behind them) are always wonderful.

Have a fantastic weekend, Chica! :)

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