Nipple Pops and Lemonade

I saw this candy at the checkout and had to buy it. It is a very correct translation of what this object is meant to be! I like how in English, we pretend it's something other than nipple candy. (It's a bit blurry, sorry, but it says 'Funny Nipple Pop'.)

Sugar is an interesting phenomenon here. Candy and sweet desserts aren't too plentiful, and I've noticed the Chinese don't have much of a sweet-tooth when it comes to food, but, they LOVE syrupy, sweet drinks. I'm constantly watering down juices and drinks. Diet sodas are not big sellers here, but full strength is very popular. It's an interesting switch from Western taste buds, which in my experience like sweets but not so much the syrupy, sugary drinks.

Here is the recipe for Chinese lemonade: hot water, 3-4 rock sugar lumps, a few slices of fresh lemon, and some dried red currants. It's very pretty in the glass and very refreshing. I've been told here that cold water on a hot day is bad for you, it upsets your spleen and stomach. So even in hot weather, you shouldn't drink really cold water. I'm getting used to hot tea/water even on a hot day.


Stephanie said…
Looks like a candy my kids would love...and the translation is hilarious!
The Bingham's said…
I might feel a little "naughty" eating these and pretty much laugh the whole time. When I was visiting San Francisco with some friends a while back, we bought penis pasta and laughed the whole time we were eating it. Just silly!!
Busy Bee Suz said…
nipple pops? ughhh. maybe this is for little ones who are being taken away from breast feeding????
I can't handle sweet drinks...or candy, it makes my teeth hurt. Perhaps I had too much as a kid?
Technodoll said…
He he - so what does it taste like?

What? Somebody had to ask!

Mmmm am so trying that lemonade - need my liquid sugar and sour!
Matt said…
One interesting effect of me cutting out most caffeine consumption 1-1/2 years ago is my sweet tooth was greatly reduced.

I usually cut most juices now with 1/2 water at home. I have some Slenda sweetened drink mixes (lemonade, fruit punch, etc)...first time I tried one I was like "WOW! This is sweet!" Then I read the label and I was already at 1/2 strength! I use it about 1/6th what the box says.

Oddly, I've been having a regular can (not bottle) of soda with lunch most days -- they're free where I'm working right now, and there's not much decaf diet soda so I usually have an orange soda.

I have noticed I can now tolerate a coffee or a mountain dew (can size) once a week w/o any problems now -- I guess I worked the caffeine overload out of my system.

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