Little Miss Jail Bait

I'm way past being jail bait (which, by the way, was what my older cousin David called me when I was 13 and I didn't know what it meant, but I knew I should be annoyed by it), but I saw this shirt on the street last night and couldn't resist adding it to my collection. (Although, Chinese screen printing is apparently only for A cups.) This isn't Chinglish in the strictest sense, the grammar and spelling are correct, but contextually? It's got Chinglish soul. It would go well with the 'I Just Scored' t-shirt I saw this week on a young teenage boy (!).

I wonder if our Chinese tattoos are the cultural equivalent of Chinglish shirts? Surely we've made a mess of those, too. I'm sooo going to tell people if their Chinese tattoo is wrong. "'Love'? No, that says 'rash'." What can I say? I'm helpful like that.


Scarlet said…
You're funny and that t-shirt is hilarious. I used to call any guy that was even a year younger than me jail bait...back in college. :)
Busy Bee Suz said…
That shirt is just too much...they are so funny over there!!! And yes, it is made for lil' you look extra cute in it too!!
myself said…
holy cow if I wore that it'd be stretched into oblivion! Geez!

Too funny!
The Bingham's said…
I think the fit makes it even funnier!!
thatgirlblogs said…
what's at the bottom of the heart? open legs? LOL
Technodoll said…
I wish I had boobs, er, a shirt like that! LOL!
Maria said…
Hindi tattoos are popular in the west but sometimes they get it sooo wrong.
Rebex said…
Gosh, I had forgotten how much I LOVE your blog. You crack me up! Love the new shirt. :)
Now thats a shirt with attitude. A-cup - I would never fit into one. But it is funny!
Katie said…
That shirt is awesome. I want one!

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