Awkward Family Photos

Something I Love: If you haven't seen this site, you should go there as fast as your little fingers will type you there. (Bonus China points for scrolling through the site in your underwear, licking frosting off a knife, like I did last night.) This one is hands down my favorite one. That disembodied pacifier head! Runner up favorite: The Nativity. 

And a special thanks to my mom and dad, who never subjected us to this kind of thing. We owe you one!


patti s said…
hey, thanks a lot-i wet my pants, my head hurts, my stomach hurts, and i am still crying. that is the funniest site i have ever seen.
Busy Bee Suz said…
I saw this site a few weeks ago. And I have to tell you the cabbage patch doll pictures were my favorite. But I wear all my clothes while viewing. ;)
Pricless. Simply priceless.
Wow - who knew this was on the internet! HAHAHAHAAA!
Scarlet said…
Ha! I love that Cabbage Patch photo...but what the hell were his parents thinking??
Technodoll said…
Yeah, I love that site!

You have great taste in humour :-D
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