"Excuse Me....You're An Idiot"

(Backstory: Chinese students won't leave the classroom without permission. I tell them at the beginning of the semester if they need to leave, just get up and leave, but this never works. It's too engrained in them to ask permission.)

I teach one of my classes in a lecture hall. I have a little mic, a big screen behind me for audio-visual stuff, and a platform I stand while teaching. It's fun! Yesterday we were reviewing some vocabulary for telling someone when things break/go missing, and I asked the class for suggestions. One girl raised her hand.

Girl: "Excuse me..."
Me: "Yes, that's a great way to start a sentence when you need to tell someone something is broken."
Same Girl: "I'm sorry..."
Me: "Yes, another great example, good job."

I turned to look at something on the screen while I kept talking, and when I turned back around, there was that girl, standing directly in front of me on the platform. It's definitely not normal for students to join me on the platform; I almost teetered backward, I was so startled. "Excuse me," she said," but I was trying to tell you I really need to go to the bathroom. May I leave?" Giggles from the class. Oops. TEACHER FAIL.

P.S. I wear my stilettos when teaching this class. Not only is it good foot yoga practice, but would you mess with a teacher who lectures in four inch stilettos? Exactly.


yrautca said…
Holy....bet you're messing with the heads of some of those Chinese boys in your high heels.
Stephanie said…
LOL She must have really had to go!
Busy Bee Suz said…
This is so funny...teacher fail for sure. :)
Bet you look great in your high heals..**sigh**jealous**
Technodoll said…

omg rebecca you had me in stitches! and, I'll be someone(s) have a crush on their hot teacher ;-)
LOVE IT...I mean the heels to class! Oh, and American kids would have been just the opposite - leave, then come back and apologize for exiting without permission...

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