The Tragedy of the Video iPod: In One Act

So you know the Mac sad face? It really is... just so sad. My 80gb video iPod bit the dust a few weeks ago. It's only two years old, but in Apple's defense, I drop it all the time. Should I not be doing that? Anyway, I found out there's an authorized/certified/official Apple repair shop in Chongqing. HOORAY. A video iPod is not a necessity by a long shot, but so easy to love.

Now the bad news: the repair guy at the shop informs me video iPods are not legally sold in China; only Touches, Nanos and the little baby ones can legally be sold here, so those are the only products they have replacement parts for. (The word of the day is 'legally.') Oh wait: first he tries telling me 80gb is too big, I should get an 8gb Touch, 8gb is much better than 80gb. Um, what, crazy man? No. 80gb is just fine. After we have this argument and I refuse his 90% sell down, he tells me, "Well, I can get a black market 80 gb video hard drive and just install it for you myself. But it won't have the warranty." Just to clarify: the OFFICIAL APPLE REPAIR SHOP is offering to sell and install black market goods?

Man, I love China.

UPDATE: iPhones were announced last month for the Mainland, but haven't been sold yet. No video iPods, though. Sad face.
UPDATE 2: Today I saw a 160gb video iPod at the Apple store. I'm going back to the repair shop to ask about it.


yrautca said…
Ha. Dont they sell all kinds of pirated stuff there already? Maybe its a legal shop cuz all staff is over 18 or something.
Rebecca Foster said…
YES, you can get anything here. I hesitate to buy anything of value here, because you have no idea where it comes from or what it's made of.
Busy Bee Suz said…
That is just amazing.
80gb is awesome!!! So, are you going to get the black market parts????
Stephanie said…
Amazing!! I had no idea:)
Rebecca Foster said…
BBS, no, I didn't want to take the risk of getting bad parts. Who knows where he's getting this part from?? It's in my drawer being all Sad Maccy, I'll get it fixed when I return home next year. I miss it....

MM, I know, I about died laughing inside. OF COURSE he'd offer, why was I even surprised?
Technodoll said…
Your adventures keep getting better and better - LOL LOL LOL!

Viva China? ;-)

ps: are you getting a baby pod to hold you over until you get home next year?
myself said…
I can't live without my ipod....I would be so frustrated now!

And I don't know the Mac sad face...never seen it before, thank god!
Katie said…
LOL! That is hilarious.

Well, not the part about your iPod breaking.

But the rest is just pure awesomeness.
Scarlet said…
Chica, after reading about your dining out experience and now this, what's going to happen next??
well I am sad to say I dont even have an ipod, so I am far beyond China...but I understand the need for quality!

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