"These Things Happen"

I'm back from Shanghai and I forgot to take my camera (!) so I don't have very many pictures to share, just a few I took with my camera phone, but I fell in love with Shanghai so I WILL be sharing with you a few of my thoughts and impressions, but something else has been on my mind. So today, I'm writing about that too.

A phrase I've learned to say a lot in the past few months: "These things happen."

Sometimes you miss your train because of a traffic accident. Sometimes you get dysentery from poorly cooked food. Sometimes you say all the wrong things because you're speaking a strange tongue. Sometimes a friend steals money from you. Sometimes you feel really alone and small and far away from everything you've ever known. Sometimes a man hurts you but will never be accountable for it. Sometimes people let you down. Sometimes people die before your ready to let them go. Sometimes you drop your cell phone down a squat toilet!

But also...

Sometimes a small child smiles at you and it melts your heart. Sometimes a friend calls right when you need someone to talk to. Sometimes a cab driver goes out of his way to be kind to you. Sometimes a neighbor helps you fix something that makes your life a little easier. Sometimes the fruit seller gives you an extra banana because she liked talking to you. Sometimes you have the chance to uplift a friend. Sometimes you give a hug and it means a lot to both of you. Sometimes you smile at someone, and they feel less alone in the world. Sometimes you give someone a little hope. Sometimes someone gives you that little hope. Sometimes someone new comes into your life that helps you forget old hurts. Sometimes a friend sends you brownie mix and all is right in the world again.

The only answer I have for why these things happen is: "these things happen." If I can really believe this, I feel like I'll be a lot more at peace with the events of my life. And how you learn to live with these things that happen, that's the lesson I'm learning.


Busy Bee Suz said…
I love this. You don't know how much reading this today has made me smile, think, appreciate. take care, suz
The Bingham's said…
It's something we all need to learn. Thanks for sharing.
Technodoll said…
Beautiful thoughts, Rebecca, and beautifully written... It reminded me to smile more and to, perhaps, make another's life a little brighter. I can make that happen.

Randy said…
Just remember, “To the world you may be just one person, but to one person you may be the world.”

Take care Becca!
mjfoster77 said…
I agree with you and it's a hard lesson to remember. I think we spend too much time trying to understand, when what we really need is to just accept. Simple, but not easy.
Rebex said…
Great post. I needed this today. Miss you!

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