Chinese Pizza Hut

Pizza Hut was one of the first Western restaurants to open branches in mainland China, back in the early 90's, and they're very fancy and upscale and I feel weird eating at them. Also, expensive! Here's a photo of a Chinese Pizza Hut interior:

Pretty romantic, eh?

They have the basic pizzas you can order in the U.S., but also some local specialties. A few of us went to Pizza Hut earlier this month (for only the third time since I've been here), and Mike ordered this tubular creation:

And I hate to say it, but it kinda grossed me out, because it reminded me of these*...

...and no way did I want little stinging sausages shooting out of bread tubes at me while I'm eating dinner.

*sea anemones


myself said…
Disclaimer being that I don't eat pizza, however, that's the most bizarre looking pizza I have EVER seen in my life!
Technodoll said…
eeeew! that's an aberration not a pizza! LOL

I do admit that restaurant looks pretty snazzy - did you have a good time?
Busy Bee Suz said…
This is really weird. I refuse to go to Pizza Hut here, I dislike the pizza and the atmosphere. (I admit, I am a bit of a food snob)
Your pizza hut looks pretty cool. Mike's pizza? NOT cool.
yrautca said…
Somewhere in america a chinese woman wrote a similar blog on how chinese takeout for $5 is such a hit with these clueless people
The Bingham's said…
Okay, that is a gross looking pizza. He must be a brave soul to order something like that. That resturant is just too snazzy looking to be a pizza joint. My question is, do the american pizzas taste the same, or do those also have a Chinese twist to them?
That made me laugh. Thanks...I needed that!
wow...the decor is pretty cool...but, I dont think I could eat there...

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