Friends and the Missing Sandwiches
I'm been slacking lately on taking pictures, so I planned to take some photos of our excursion today. I went with friends to the special market to buy oh-so-rare-and-precious salami, cheese, fresh basil and western style salty bread to make panini sandwiches for dinner. This is how we are celebrating our holiday: eating stuff we'd never think twice about back in America, but is a real treat for us here. (One of them was cooking when we took this picture.) But after we made them, I forgot to make pictures before we scarfed them down. We were just that hungry and excited to be eating them. It was the first time I've felt really full all week. (Insert joke about Chinese food here.)
Afterward, we played Uno, watched old-school rap videos and hung out chatting. Some other friends came over later, they drank wine, more chatting. This is my life in China.
All you needed was Doritos and gooey brownies to cap it all off :-D
I will remember this...